Revelation Part 2
Mondays; 7-8:30 pm · April 1 - September 16
Zoom online study taught by Sheri Ellington
Join us for this 12-Lesson study as we begin to explore Revelation 4-20 in depth. We will trust Jesus to speak to us and guide us through these difficult chapters as we seek to become very familiar with the text. We will take a summer break between lessons 7 and 8, which should be beneficial to meditate on what we are learning and allow it to soak into our hearts! We will resume with an optional review session after the break.
Workbooks provided at no cost to participants.
Having a Real Relationship with God
Thursdays; 7 - 8:30 pm · July 18 - August 22
Zoom online study taught by Sheri Ellington
What does it mean to have a relationship with someone we cannot see with our eyes or touch with our hands? How can human beings relate to God who is Spirit? We will study God's Word together to grow in our understanding of what it means to be made for His pleasure, rescued from His wrath, and objects of His love.
Workbooks provided at no cost to participants.
How to Make Choices You Won't Regret
Thursdays; 7 - 8:30 pm · August 29 - October 3
Zoom online study taught by Sheri Ellington
Regrets. If we've lived long enough, we all have them. "If only" is a cruel game we play with our minds, knowing we cannot go back and change our choices. We can, however, learn from our mistakes and learn from God's Word how to make better choices. Praise Jesus, we don't have to be perfect - no one except Jesus has ever been perfect. But we can submit our wills to His and watch Him transform our thoughts, our choices, and our lives. We cannot control the outcomes, but we can exert our wills to make godly choices and rest in the fact that He determines the results.
Workbooks provided at no cost to participants.
Revelation Part 3
Mondays; 7 - 8:30 pm · September 23 - January 27
Zoom online study taught by Sheri Ellington
Join us for this 11-Lesson study as we revisit Revelation 4-22, looking closely at connections to the Gospels and what Jesus Himself said about the signs of the end and His coming kingdom. We will take a short break for the holidays between lessons 8-9, and when we resume in January, we will begin with an optional review session.
Workbooks provided at no cost to participants.
Rising to the Call of Leadership
Thursdays; 7 - 8:30 pm · October 10 - November 21
Zoom online study taught by Sheri Ellington
Is God calling you to leadership? Yes! In fact, He is calling all of us, His followers, to be leaders in making disciples who will make disciples! Some are seemingly born with leadership abilities, but we don't want to settle for natural abilities. We want the Holy Spirit to empower us to lead those He has placed in our circles of influence, in our homes, neighborhoods, communities, churches, workplaces, etc. Come and join us as we examine some of Israel's prophets, priests, and kings, to observe the difference it makes to Jesus to lead us and lead others through us!
Workbooks provided at no cost to participants.
The Armor of God
Wednesdays; 6:15 - 7:30 pm · July 17 - September 4
In person study taught by Jennifer Adams & Deborah Chapman
ll day, every day, an invisible war rages around you — unseen, unheard, yet felt throughout every aspect of your life. A devoted, devilish enemy seeks to wreak havoc on everything that matters to you: your heart, your mind, your marriage, your children, your relationships, your resilience, your dreams, your destiny. But his battle plan depends on catching you unaware and unarmed. If you're tired of being pushed around and caught with your guard down, this study is for you.
The enemy always fails miserably when he meets a woman dressed for the occasion. The Armor of God, more than merely a biblical description of the believer's inventory, is an action plan for putting it on and developing a personalized strategy to secure victory.