You can experience great joy when you experience God’s goodness through his church.

This type of conversation occurs when some aspect of the gospel is shared with someone. During these conversations, you have the opportunity to share what difference Jesus makes in your life
Everyone worships something or someone. The question is, what are you worshipping? Look at what you value most and that is what you worship. Worship is a lifestyle.“Worship is communion with God in which believers, by grace, center their minds’ attention and hearts’ affection on the Lord, humbly glorifying God in response to his greatness and his word.”-Bruce Leafblad
Life groups are a way for you to connect with other believers. These groups are open to anyone and everyone.
We do LIFE together as we,
Love each other,
Invite the lost,
Focus on God, and
Expand the group.
These are gender-specific groups of 3-5 people. The goal of these groups is to facilitate spiritual growth among group members. After 12-18 months the hope is that the individuals will each form new D-Groups. Through this process, we are to be transformed into Christlikeness.
Serving is a great way to develop relationships. It is also a chance for us to show our community that we love them as we serve with our ministry partners like dorcas Ministries, Baptist Children’s Home, and Cary Elementary.